Town of Salem Funny Death Note

A Death Note example

The Jailor's Death Note

A Death Note is a piece of paper shown to the Town after a killing role other thanTown Killing kills somebody, such as a Serial Killer or Mafioso. The Jailor has a separate Death Note but with multiple select choices.

  • If available to them, players can edit what is shown in a Death Note using the button at the top of the screen, looking like a bloody piece of paper.
  • A Last Will and Death Note may hold up to 400 characters each. If a player dies, the Death Note can be reopened and reviewed at any time by selecting their name in the graveyard area.
  • If you had killed multiple victims in the same Night (e.g. as an Arsonist), your Death Note will appear for each of them. Additionally, you can change your Death Note while the victims are being announced in the morning.
    • This can be used to pretend that there are multiple Arsonists that ignited in the same Night, although this is rarely used, is difficult to pull off successfully, and often yields little to no benefit.

      Icon of the Death Note button as seen in the game.

Uses of Death Notes

Sharing Information or Framing

  • Death Notes are a good way of circulating info while staying anonymous. This can be used by any killing role, as well as a Jailor. Jailors have a different Death Note referring to why they executed the person jailed.
  • Sometimes a Death Note can include if a player has a form of defense to make sure the person who tried to kill said person isn't openly announced (e.g. the Godfather attacks Player A, but Player A's defense value is too high. The next Night, the Godfather kills Player B, and the Death Note includes that Player A has defense, and is therefore suspicious).
  • Sometimes the Mafia may frame someone by saying, "Our Consigliere says [insert player's name here] is the Arsonist!" or, "[insert player's name here] has immunity." in their Death Note.
    • This is one of the only cases where some people will trust a Death Note, as players with high defense tend to be Neutral Killing roles, which the Mafia want dead along with the Town. However, it is important to note that players may simply overlook a Death Note, as they may think the killer who left the note is just trying to frame a random player.
  • Sometimes, a way of implicating others is by putting a player name in the Death Note. Most players will probably realize this is not the real killer, but it may throw some suspicion around.
    • As said above, this is a less useful strategy, as players may simply overlook this tactic as a frame job.
  • If there are 2 kill capable Mafia roles left in the game, a good strategy is to pay attention to the Death Notes, especially if the Mafioso's Death Note is different from the Godfather's.
    • If the Mafioso is jailed or roleblocked, the Godfather will attack the designated target instead. If the Death Note of the Mafia suddenly changes entirely, there is a good chance the Mafioso was jailed or roleblocked, and the Godfather attacked.
  • If the Hex Master has the Necronomicon, their Death Note will only appear when players are killed by their astral attack.
    • This means if a player dies to the Hex Master's final Hex, the Death Note will not appear, since it's technically a separate attack from their astral attack. This also is the reason why a player appears to have died to the Hex Master twice.

Revealing Yourself

  • For cocky and risky players, sometimes putting their own name in their Death Note is a viable strategy as Town will assume the killing role is trying to frame this player.
    • This strategy can very likely lead to questioning, death by a Vigilante or Jailor, or lynching.

Other Uses

  • Sometimes, the killer will actually be quite helpful and leave clues about who they are or who they will kill next. After connecting the clues or finding a pattern, you can enlist a Bodyguard (or Crusader/Trapper) to protect them in order to stop a mass-murdering spree. They may use a certain speech pattern or misspell specific words. However, beware of a killer planting false information.
  • Death Notes are still quite an important part of the game. This is because a person's role can often be found through Death Notes or imitated. Experienced Mafia, Coven, or Neutral Killing roles can impersonate someone and ensure that they are suspected. More experienced players may completely disregard it but they help prolong the discussion making it easier for the killers to survive.
  • A player should never use a Death Note as a "calling card" (if they have acquired a killing role multiple times in consecutive games within a short time frame) as Town roles that are involved in two or more consecutive games with the same player may link a previously used Death Note with the corresponding skin, house, pet and/or name of the player and call them out.
  • Death Notes can be used by a Neutral Killing role to try to get suspicion off you. If people are accusing you of being a Serial Killer or something of that nature, kill someone that Night and put in your Death Note, "[your name] is the Serial Killer," though more experienced players may call you out on the double bluff.
    • Deliberately misspelling your name helps divert suspicion from you, especially if that name is complicated (i.e. Kharnam Darhenn).
  • Death Notes are also commonly used to mock players or make jokes. Although this use of a Death Notes isn't useful, many player have fun writing poems, comedic phrases, or simple jokes, such as, "Headshot". In most scenarios, however, it is much more useful to spread information or false information with Death Notes.
  • Death Notes can be used to give you an extra ~8 seconds of time. This is useful if you're preparing a Last Will or just need a little more time to think of what you should do next. Do keep in mind that this gives the extra seconds to everyone, not just you, so it could backfire.

Jailor Death Notes

  • As a Jailor, your Death Note and its uses are different. Your Death Note can be seen above.
  • You can choose between the following options:
    • No reason specified.
    • They are known to be an evildoer.
    • Their confession was contradictory.
    • They are possessed and talking nonsense.
    • They are too quiet or won't respond to questioning.
    • They are an outsider that might turn against us.
    • I'm using my own discretion.
  • If you never open your Death Note, it will never show up. If you open and close it without selecting any option, the game will automatically select "No reason specified.".
  • It is used to confirm to the Town why you executed the player you did.
  • You can also use it to confirm yourself. In the rare case that you've been accused, tell the Town you will execute a certain suspicious player with one of the reasons checked in (e.g.: "I will execute player #1 tonight with 'Their confession was contradictory.' checked in."). This strategy is uncommon, as a Jailor claim is almost always believed, and you have to make sure there isn't a Witch/Coven Leader orConsort looking to get you lynched.
    • If there is another Jailor claim, tell them to execute someone with another reason (e.g.: "They are possessed and talking nonsense."). This will ensure that the Town will know who is the fake Jailor.
  • Obviously, don't use it to justify gamethrowing. Saying that the revealed Mayor was silent throughout the entire Night isn't a reason to kill them.

Things to Note

  • Writing a Death Note against someone when you are theWerewolf might not be wise, as if you are role blocked and leave an obvious targeted Death Note, it reinforces your role as Werewolf if a Last Will was recorded on the role blocker's visits.
    • However, on the contrary, if you are sure who the role-blocker is, you can put their name in your Death Note to make it look like the killer actually selected them.
  • If you are the Godfather, it is generally recommended to copy the Death Note of the Mafioso and vice versa because if the Mafioso is role blocked, it will display your Death Note instead of the Mafioso's, and might give away that the Mafioso was role blocked if your Death Note is suddenly different in any way.
  • As the Poisoner, you are able to out roles with defence the very moment you attempt to Poison them. This is because of your delayed killing allowing you to modify your Death Note before your previous victim's death is announced in the morning.
  • The Jailor has a unique Death Note, listing off reasons why they executed the person they have imprisoned.
  • When writing a Death Note, remove all resemblance of personality from it. Even better if you mimic an innocent player's personality. Even one word can slip up and reveal your identity to a Vigilante or Jailor. For instance, if another player says, "This town is great!" and you say, "That defense was lit," avoid using "lit" in the Death Note and use great if you have to in order to try and frame the player. Also, change the way you type, even grammar can trip you up with an experienced enough Vigilante on the loose. For example, if another player never uses capital letters, and you talk with a capital letter, avoid using capital letters in your Death Note to frame them. You can also purposely misspell words that another player can't spell to frame them.
  • Consider not leaving a Death Note at all, as you may accidentally give away valuable information to the Town, or make you look suspicious.


  • Prior to Version 2.0, all Town Killing roles had Death Notes, which allowed those roles to easily confirm themselves in their Death Note.
  • Pestilence, Jesters, and Vampires are the only non-Town Killing roles that do not have Death Notes even though they can kill.
    • The Jailor however, retains their Death Note even after being converted to a Vampire, making them the only exception.
  • Certain Mafia/Coven roles gain access to Death Notes when they are promoted to a Mafioso/obtain the Necronomicon.
    • The Mafia Deception and Mafia Support roles are granted the usage of Death Notes upon being promoted to a Mafioso.
    • The Coven Leader, Necromancer, and the Hex Master obtain Death Notes upon receiving the Necronomicon.


  • 3.3.5
    • Restricted the allowed characters and symbols that can be typed in Death Note.
  • 3.3.0
    • For non-mobile platforms, pressing the Tab, Page Up, or Page Down keys in Death Note (or pasting in text with tabs) no longer produces weird spacing issues.
  • 3.2.5
    • Fixed narrow Death Notes on narrow screen aspect ratios such as 5:4.
  • 3.2.3
    • Removed the click sound that played when the Jailor's Death Note was displayed.
  • 3.2.0
    • Fixed issue where clicking the Death Note button in graveyard could close an already open Death Note rather than open the newly selected item.
    • Jailor Death Notes can no longer be spoofed.
    • Added the Jailor's Death Note.
  • 2.0
    • Veterans, Vigilantes, Vampire Hunters, and Jailors no longer have a Death Note.
  • Beta 0.6.0
    • Added the ability to review Death Notes.
  • Beta 0.3.0
    • Veterans now have a Death Note.
  • Town of Salem Release
    • Introduced.

See Also

  • Notes
  • Last Will


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